Adams, Douglas Hitchhiker's
Guide to Galaxy Week25, ComputerMuseum
Airplane! (movie) Airplane
America's 1st female firefighter (see Coit, Lillie Hitchcock "5")
Anasazi Week20, Week24,
Week25, StoneHogan
ancestors (none) Week23
angel (see Miss Piggy)
Ann the dental hygienist Week46
anonymous Week2
applets ComputerMuseum
archaeologists (go figure) Week24
ASCII ComputerMuseum
assembler computer language ComputerMuseum
Astley, Rick (unmentioned & mentioned) Week40
astronomers / stargazers StarParty2
Astronomical Society, Sacramento Valley StarParty2
Astroscan StarParty2
avian friends (see also Thanksgiving) Week45
"Bandelierians" Week20
Ban Roll-on Deoderant Sacramento
Bay Bridge
Week51, Emperor
The Beatles (mentioned) Week40
Begay, Mary Henderson Week22
Belafonte, Harry music
Benny Goodman Week11
Berkeley Breathed
(see also Bloom County, Opus) Week12
Beyoncé iPod,
music samples
Big Blue (IBM) ComputerMuseum
"Big-V" (see Václav)
Bill StarParty2
Mr. Black & White Bear Week7
Bobby Monkley (see Halloween) Week42
Bonsai Master flower arranger Week14
Boris Bad-Enough Week39
Bozos StarParty2
brigademember (see firefighter)
Britney Spears Week19
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (mentioned) Week41
Bullwinkle & Rocky That
Trick Never Works!
Burger Boys (see Lukáš, Vášek)
Burgess, Dave & the Toppers iPod,
music samples
Busby Berkley Week11
Caesar's Club "quoted" Week51
CalTech (inferred) ComputerMuseum
CalTrans (road control) Week55
canyon (won't tell it's name) MyArch
carbon based units ComputerMuseum
lauded Week11
quoted Week11
Carriage House Antiques Week52
CarTalk ComputerMuseum
"Casa de MonkeyBiz" Week55
Cecil B. DeMille (mentioned) BehindScenes
Chain Monkey Week55
Chauffeur (stories) Week44
waiter Chris-the-DJ Week16, Week17
Christine of B&W
Foto Lab, Week7, Week31,
clan: Plush Toys Week23
Claude foto-artist (with deep pockets) of B&W
Foto Lab, Week7, Week15,
Cliff Week31
Clique-n-Drag (bar) ComputerMuseum
Code Talkers Week30
Coit, Lillie Hitchcock
"5," Week51
Collins, Judy (unmentioned) Week40
Comet Tempel-1 StarParty,
Constantinho de Setùbal Week14
Cosby, Bill (mentioned) Week40
Crocker family (mentioned) Week44
Curious George Week30
Curtis, Larry Jr. Week36
Czech boys (mentioned) Week50
Czech Foreign Exchange Student, Karel MotherLoadGold
Dan Foo's his man (from Week10
Darth Vader Sacramento
birthday Week29
birthday cake by Monkey Week29
convinces Monkey to pose BehindScenes
drive to/from Sierra Mountains Week55
& Monkey move a fridgeWeek5
photographer Week55
reindeer work Week45
snowshoeing Week55
van, Monkey wants to drive Week55
David neighbor across the street Week27
motorcycle Week27
da Vinci, Leonardo's flops Airplane
Deadheads Week22
Deep Impact StarParty, StarParty2
Deep Thought ComputerMuseum
dei ComputerMuseum
DeMille, Cecil B. (mentioned) BehindScenes
Denis (owns Esoteric
Records) Week39, Week40,
Week41, Week42
dental hygienist (see Ann)
dentist (see Dr. Larry)
Postpile (linked) FlutedRock
"Dolly" and Dolly Parton Week13
Dorothy (Gale) Week44
Doug (of Modesto Jr. College) Week31
Douglas Adams ComputerMuseum
Dowager Widow (Norton) EmperorNortonsGrave
Drag-n-Drop (bar) ComputerMuseum
Earhart, Amelia Airplane
Ebeth HUTR2005
Ed (see Ranger Ed)
Edward Everett Horton (Monk's fave), Week5,
electricity, first long distance transmission of (mentioned) Week52
Eliot, T.S. Week34
Elvis (Presley) Week41
Emperess Norton EmperorNortonsGrave
Emperor Norton-1,
Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico
dowager widdow EmperorNortonsGrave
grave EmperorNortonsGrave
Emperor Norton
Bridge Week51
Enterprise, USS (Star Trek) Week47,
Week48, ComputerMuseum
Ent, Treebeard (rock formation) MyArch
Erin HUTR2005
Ernestine the Operator Week56
Esalen Week54
(Muse) Week35
(mentioned) Week30
restaurateur/boss Week16
Evan (of Modesto going back?? to Jr. College) Week31
fabulous as the Anasazi used ta say Week24
family, treated like MotherLoadGold
fans, his many Week44, HUTR2005
Fay Wray doll Week24
feathery friends Week45
Filmore, President Millard Week34
Fire Station #4 Week50, Week51
Firefighter Week50, Week51,
(1st Female) Week51
Firesign Theater StarParty2
fish ladder vs fish steps Week43
florist (Constantinho de Setùbal) Week14
Flying Monkey King Week44
Folsom Prison (mentioned) Week52
Fontane Sisters (mentioned) music
Foreign Exchange Student, Karel MotherLoadGold
FORTRAN-1 computer language ComputerMuseum
Fox Mulder (The X-Files) Week12
Freud, Sigmund (mentioned) Week51
friends, avianWeek45
Frogg and nephew Frogg Jr. visit Week2
Frost, Robert (sorry) FlutedRock
Mucho a.k.a. Many Cattle Week23,
NavaHopi2005, TheRez
Garcia, Jerry Week22
"geeks" hate peeps (see Food: peeps)
Geiger-Müller counter Week52,
Radio Active!
GIGO ComputerMuseum
Glamour Gorilla (see Halloween) Week42
Glinda (Good Witch) Week44
Gloria Swanson misquoted BehindScenes
Gobbler Turkey Week45
Gold Rush (mentioned) Week52,
Good King Wenceslaus (Václav) Week29
Grateful Dead Week22
"grease monkey" (see Václav) Week38
Green, Seth Week41
Grinches Week50
birthday Week14
hosts/tires of Monkey Week21
Hubbell Trading Post N.H.S. Week21
lives in the Navajo Nation Week4
lives in Navajo Nation Week4
sleeping-fish futon Week21
treats! Week21
Hairy Potter (see Halloween) Week42
HAL 9000 (inferred) Week56
Hapsburg Empire of Austria-Hungary Week16
Archduke Franz Ferdinand Week16
Franz Josef Week16
Maximilian of Austria Week16
"Hawaiian Vamps" (mentioned, see Midler) Week40
Hepburn, Katharine Week13
The High Sierra Jazz Band Emperor
Hisatsinom (a.k.a. Anasazi) Week25
Hitchcock, Alfred Week15
Hope, Ranger HUTR2005, StoneHogan
Horton (see Edward Everett Horton)
Hubbell, John Lorenzo (a.k.a. JL
Hubbell) Week21, Week23,
(CASA) StoneHogan
(see also Travel:
Hubbell Trading Post)
family (graves) Week23
Mucho Week23, TheRez
Many Horses
Hyatt Sacramento
IBM ComputerMuseum
International Business Machines -- see IBM
Iron Maiden (unmentioned) Week40
Irwin Allen lights ComputerMuseum
Jack the Laptop Cat MonkeyVerse
Jessica of B&W
Foto Lab (gets mentioned) Week7
cold? Week55
drive home from Sierra Mountains Week55
& Monkey watch video Week5
snowshoeing Week55
telescope assembly StarParty2
Joshua Norton (see Emperor Norton-1)
Joyce Krieg, author
Karel Cz Foreign Exchange Student MotherLoadGold
Katharine Hepburn Week13
Ken (virtual
computer museum) Week10, ComputerMuseum
Kermit-the-Frog a.k.a. "Kermie" Week49
"Kids" Week19
"The King" (see Elvis) Week41
King Kong Week24
Kirk, Helen Week22
Knickerbocker Fire Company No. 5 Week51
Kokopelli konnections Week1, Week24,
Larch, the (Monty Python exploited)
Larry Templin, D.D.S. Week46
Latin, pseudo- ComputerMuseum
Lavinia Waterhouse, Dr. Week44
Lawrence, Steve (mentioned) music
Led Zepplin Airplane
Leonardo da Vinci's flops Airplane
Libby holds yard sale Week34
like-minded (non)beings Week22
Lillie Hitchcock Coit "5" Week51
Lindbergh, Charles Airplane
Lord of the Rings (mentioned) MyArch
Lily Tomlin Week56
like-minded (non)beings Week22
Lorretta, 102 years old & luvin’
it! Week8
Opice's Czech nephew Week13,
(inferred) Week50
sick pal, Lukášý Week5
Lydia, The Tattooed Mannequin Week53
Many Cattle a.k.a. Ganado Mucho Week23,
Many Horses a.k.a.Totsohnii Hastiin Week23
Matilda Wilson-Dodge ComputerMuseum
Martin, Steve (mentioned) Week40
Mary Martin Week13
Marx Brothers Week53
McKuen, Rod Week34
Metcalf, Tim - director of UCDavis
Botanical Conservatory Week31
Michael of Santa Fe, (invisible) Week18
Mickey Mouse Rock art NavaHopi2005,
Midler, Bette (mentioned) Week40
misnomer, fish ladder Week43
Miss Piggy Week49
Monkees, The Week42
monkey-uncle ( Week44) MotherLoadGold
Monty Python (exploited) MyArch
Moose & Squirrel That
Trick Never Works!
Muse, Thai Week35, ComputerMuseum
"My Arch--I Found It!" NavaHopi2005
Napoleon III Week16
Nash, Ogden Week34
NCC-1701 (see Enterprise)
Nelson, Ricky (mentioned) Week40
niece (mentioned -- not named) Week44
nephews (see Lukáš, Vášek)
Nike the mighty minature schnauzer:
embracing Week50
nestling Week50
rides shotgun Week44
NCC-1701 (see Enterprise)
Nimbus Fish Hatchery (inferred) Week42,
Week43, Week44
"Northern Exposure" mascot met Week53
Norton-1, (see Emperor Norton-1)
O'Keeffe,Georgia Week18, Week19
Oakland Bay Bridge Week51,
Emperor Norton-1,
Norton Bridge
"occupation site" explained/shown Week24
Odyssiac, no such computer as (Odyssey-iac) ComputerMuseum
Opus Penguin (see also Bloom County, Berkeley
Breathed) Week12
ostriches Week45
Oveur, Capt. Airplane
Oz (see Green, Seth)
Paisley the Christmas Hippo Week1
Parton, Dolly Week13, Week40,
music samples
Paul of ABC Plumbing Heating & Air Week46,
[ ] pay for lunch, gasoline MotherLoadGold
Penguin, Opus Week12
Peter Pan Week13
Peter Tork (of The Monkees) Week30
Piggy, Miss Week49
Pirate Primate (see Halloween) Week42
plush turkey Week45
poets, American Week34
Polymer progenitors Week23
Pony Express Week52
pre-rug (see sheep)
President Millard Filmore Week34
progenitor, Polymer Week23
proto-Puebloan (ancestors) Week20
"Queen for a Day" Emperor
"Queen of Fruits" (see Carmen Miranda)
Ranger Ape (see Halloween) Week42
Ranger Ed Week21, Week25
Ranger Hope HUTR2005, StoneHogan
Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal Week25
Records, Tower Sacramento
Rhesus--not even! Week45
Richard (see Constantinho de Setùbal)
"Rio Grande Classic Period" [1325 - 1575 AD] Week20
Roker, Al HDTV
Rocky & Bullwinkle That
Trick Never Works!
Rolling Stones (mentioned) Week40
Telephone Museum Week56
Sacramento Valley Astronomical Society StarParty2
Sacto nickname Sacramento
Sal's Botique Week51
Sarria, Jose Drag Queen Empress Norton-1 EmperorNortonsGrave
Scotty (Star Trek engineer) Week48
Dr. Seuss Week50
Bill Shatner (compared to Edward Everett Horton) Week5
sheep, rug room Week22, and cattle
"leavings" MyArch
Shrek (sighted) TheRez
Sneetches Week50
snow monkey--not! Week45
Spears, Britney Week19
SPCA Week51
Spears, Britney Week19
Spiderman (mentioned) Week50
Spider Woman HUTR2005
Squirrel (owns Rocknasium)
Squirrel & Moose That
Trick Never Works!
Steve (Monkey's neighbor):
Help! Week45
reindeer work Week45
snow monkey--not! Week45
snowless lawn Week45
Steve of ABC Plumbing Heating & Air Week46,
Strauss, Johann StarParty
Streisand, Barbra (mentioned) Week40
student, Foreign Exchange MotherLoadGold
suffragette, famous (see Lavinia)
Suleka (owns Thai
Basil Restaurant) Week35
Sulu, Mr. (Star Trek navigator) Week48
Superman (mentioned) Week11
SureWest fiber optic services Week9,
Week56, HDTV
Swanson, Gloria misquoted BehindScenes
Tabatha & Ted the stinky plants Week31
Tabitha (met in front of O'Keeffe Museum) Week19
Tarriers, The (mentioned) music
Tempel-1, Comet StarParty,
"they" synonym for "not me" ComputerMuseum
Tiny Tim Week13
Tom ("spills the beans") Week10
Tomlin, Lily Week56
tooth dr. (see Larry, Dr.)
Tooth Fairy Week46
Tornadoes, The iPod,
music samples
Totsohnii Hastiin a.k.a. Many Horses Week23,
Tower Records Sacramento
Trader, Hubbell Trading Post Week22
Transcontinental Railroad (mentioned) Week52
treat as family MotherLoadGold
Treebeard the Ent (rock formation) MyArch
Triassic Period Week24
turkey, plush Week45
"übergeeks" Week10
Uncle Monkey Week44, MotherLoadGold
appeals to Monkey's vanity Week44
basketball background Week17
birthday Week29
car problems Week5,
Week37, Week38,
discovers Monkey Biography
gets angry at Opice Week16
"grease monkey" Week38
(mentioned) Week30
Monkey hugs Week37,
yells "Ouch!" in Czech, (I think)
restaurateur/boss Week16,
tires of Monkey's help Week44
wins Favorite Food Contest Week29
diving into pool Week33
helps at Hubbell auction
(inferred) Week50
Opice's Czech nephew
Opice-lympics Week33, Week34
salutes the Navajo
Code Talkers Week30
swimming Week33
Vaseline glass Radio Active!,
Week52, Week53
Vaughan, Sarah (mentioned) music
Waterhouse, Dr. Lavinia Week44
weavers Mary Henderson Begay & Helen Kirk Week22,
(inferred) Week53
"webslave" a.k.a. webmaster Biography,
Confession, Week17,
Week29, Week30,
Weird Al Yankovic Week40
Wells Fargo (Pony Express) Week52
Wenceslaus, Good King Week29
Whitney Mouse Week36,
playing game with Opice Week44
Wicked Witch Week44
Wilson-Dodge, Matilda ComputerMuseum
Win9x ComputerMuseum
Y2K computer bug Week39
Zen-based storage device ComputerMuseum
Zepplin, Led Airplane